Hyun Kyu Seo
Visual Art (Graphic Design)
Camden College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Fine Arts
Class of 2013
Personal site: Hyun.io
Hyun Kyu Seo is a designer and technologist creating symbiotic relationships between information and people. He is currently working with researchers, scientists, engineers, and designers at IBM in Yorktown Heights, New York.
He has been fortunate enough to engage in a variety of technology and science fields, including but not limited to: enterprise cybersecurity, software accessibility, quantum computing, computational art, and robot assisted physical computing spaces.
He is also an invention evaluator in one of IBM’s Invention Development Teams, helping to cultivate and protect IBM’s intellectual property (IP). As for his own contributions to IP growth, he is part of 3 IP publications and 10 patents filed by IBM; 9 pending, 1 granted (US9471778 B1). Outside of work, he tries to educate others about the importance of privacy and cybersecurity; Along with a mentor at IBM, he has gotten a chance to hold a voter-nominated workshop at SXSW Interactive 2016 about cybersecurity, which was featured in the Daily Dot.